

Project “Cataloging of didactic resources web”


Enroll EduQ@2019 here (it's open and free), enter the pre-congress room and upload your resources.



Before and during the development of EduQ@2010EduQ@2012EduQ@2013EduQ@2015 and EduQ@2017, we developed the assessment and cataloging of resources project for learning and investigation, which experiences great success with the participants. The material generates starting with the participation of the colleagues is available for use, and it is of great help to read the comments as it guides us quickly on the contents of the resources.


Based on this first experience is what we will develop our new edition of cataloging of didactic web resources during EduQ@2019.


The difficulty that we had identified –the fact that in the web there exist a great quantity of didactic resources available for use, but dispersed and without cataloging of assessment, continues existing, and has grown with increased vigor compared to the previous year given the fact that the resources multiply by the hundreds every day.


It is because of this that, in this edition, the objective is that the interested participants contribute their didactic resources, from their authorship or those who have found in the web and have proven useful in some way in their scholastic activities, to assess them and make them available in the discussion space for the rest of the participants.


The virtual library that started to form in the 2010 edition and that has enrichened in each successive edition, will grow with the participation in the web in this Edu@2019, and every participant will be able to access it with the same username and password as in EduQ@2013 and EduQ@2017.


The active participants of this web, that is to say, that contribute learning resources and assess others, will be able to obtain their certification crediting 30 hours of academic work in this project.


This will be a collaborative event, in which all participants will be able to contribute resources that will be at their disposal and be free so the rest can discuss and to agree with criteria for selection, assessment, and cataloging of the different materials.


The academic requisites to obtain the certification are:

  • Contribute at least two (2) didactic resources (texts, videos, presentations, books, interactive pages), with the condition that they will be of free Access on the web
  • Perform an assessment of each of the resources contributed.
  • Comment on 4 other didactic resources contributed by other colleagues.